E-Payment Systems

The course in E-payment systems is given in the first semester of master studies.


Students learn about the models and technologies for electronic payment systems. They gain the knowledge and skills to design the maintenance electronic payment systems.


After successfully completing the course students are able to apply the principles, technologies and standards in the field of electronic payment systems. They are able to design and implement electronic payment systems, and improve existing electronic payment systems.


Payment system: organization, payment instruments, domestic and international payments, financial exchange network (TARGET, SWIFT), electronic payment system. Payment cards: types, payment cards associations, standards. Magnetic card: standards, structure, content, use, PIN codes, attacks on the card. Smart Cards: structure, types, standards, organization, modules, file system, keys, communication with card, Java smart card, attacks on the card. EVM standard: purpose, organization, smart card file system, data representation, EMV transactions. Online payments: general features, PayPal, Google Checkout, 3D Secure. Mobile payments: mobile payment systems, payment models, NFC, mobile EMV standard, Google Wallet. Fraud in electronic payment systems: online scams, evolution of fraud management and prevention of fraud, techniques for the fraud prevention.