Security in E-Business Systems

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The course in Security in e-business systems is given in the 8th semester, 4th year of undergraduate studies.


Students learn about the application of techniques and methods for the protection of data in e-business systems.


Knowledge of methods and technologies for data protection. The studenta are able to use cryptographic methods and technologies, create a software for data protection in electronic business system, design and implement mechanisms for authentication and access control for different segments of e- business systems.


Cryptography: introduction, basic concepts, cryptographic protocols, algorithms, digital signatures, digital certificates. Symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms, hash functions, key exchange. Cryptographic standards. PKI infrastructure: key management, establishment of PKI, certificate authorities, hierarchy of certificate authorities. Security of XML documents: digital signatures, encryption, web services security. Smart card technology: organization, standards and use. Application of security concepts at the level of operating systems, databases, and computer networks. Authentication: single-factor authentication, two-factor authentication, passwords, challenge-response principle, attacks, Kerberos, HTTP authentication. Access control: concepts, elements, policies, mechanisms and models of access control.